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What are the benefits of NAMAZ(SALAH) on FITNESS??


Namaz(Salah) known to be the second pillar of Islam,is one of the chief obligatory duty of people who embraced Islam as their religion.

While performing Salah,the worshipper requires to move through several distinct bodily postures which create healthy impact on musculoskeletal and neurological system.There are amazing fitness benefits of NAMAZ(SALAH).

A Physique is not fit,in the darkness of inner peace:

QURAN, the main religious text of Islam hold to be the word of God revealed to his messenger,the holy Prophet Muhammad.

Most of the verses of QURAN,are based on peace and kindness.It describes reconciliation as the best policy.

         "We need peace in our nature,
           But we created anger;
           Modesty is our nature,
           But we created 'Self ego' ".

This is the problem,which everybody is  facing in day to day life.We have unknowingly compromise peace and humility a number of times so as to achieve success,in our life.

Achievement is not wrong,just we have to take care while propelling towards our goals.

Peace is the culminating point of the Muslim paradise.Regular Namaz(Salah) in a healthy  environment can give ample health benefits.

It is believed,through 'Salah', the people of Islam religion can purify their mind and soul,which is enwrap in an unalloyed  body.

Namaz(salah) is a sublime junction of spirituality and fitness.


The groundwork before each religious act of worship in Islam,requires the devotee to perform physical cleansing by :

  • Washing the right hand up to the wrist(and between the fingers),5 times/day.
  • Similarly for the left hand.
  • Rinsing the mouth and spit out the water,5 times/day.
  • Then,face,nose,neck,hair,ears,finally ankles and feet.
  • Brush the teeth with a miswak*.

( *Miswak : 


The use of tooth cleaning stick is  contributed to ritual purity,which is an old pre-Islamic custom,so as to whitening and shining the teeth,naturally.

World Health Organisation have mentioned about Salvadora persica stick,which fibrous branches effectively used for oral hygiene practice since from several centuries.

It is popularly known as natural toothbrush throughout the Islamic world.)

"Wudu",its like preparing self spiritually with full intention(niyyah) and dedication before the holy prayer.

"Ablution" can not be included as a part of body fitness but it has scientifically been noted :- 
    The entire procedure of 'Wudu' can relax the mind and dominate stress level as spirituality chase any worldly concern that relates to materialistic wellbeing and lead to soul consciousness.

Considering,the ongoing global pandemic of Coronavirus disease,Muslim leaders around the world,including in the U.S,have lined up their religious opinion with public health experts.

Muslim Institutions recommend to wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap before Wudu.Because Wudu alone cannot prevent the spread of novel coronavirus. Other, Islamic institutions recommend that mosques supply extra soap and hand sanitizer near the washing area.

Some may be bothered by the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers in religious premises,which is contemplated as "religiously impure" by some scholars,in that case,a simple wash of water after the use of hand sanitizer can be done during Wudu or washing hands with soap is an awesome alternative.

In this rampant situation due to corona outbreak,Islamic hygienical proceedings may help in creating awareness among the people and unfurling a good message to the world.

In the course of discussion on Spritual significance of Salah,it's secret towards physical fitness is, however, often unnoticed.Lets discuss from Takbir,the beginning of the prayer.


Takbir,the beginning of the prayer starts with standing posture in which devotee raises their hands up to the level of one's shoulder and near the ear,keeping the palms open and facing in the direction of sight with the thumbs placing alongside the earlobes;keeping the elbow bent.

Due to the sedentary lifestyle,most of us often experience pain and stiffness in some specific regions of our body,for e.g pain around the shoulder blade or sometimes,the annoying upper back ache,etc.

Moreover,physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor of global mortality.This define the importance of exercise in daily life.

There are amazing benefits of performing Takbir : 

  • While raising the hands it gently stretch the muscle around the shoulder blade and pectoral region(Fan - shaped and thick muscle situated at the chest of the human body).
  • The abduction movement of arms cause expansion of the chest cavity,allowing the lungs to work more efficiently providing enough space for easy airflow.This helps in strengthening the respiratory function.
  • Improves the body's balance mechanism.
  • Intention of prayer with purity can really help calm the mind. 


While performing Qiyyam standing,there is an even distribution of load so that the back is relax from taking all the body weight which in turn provide relaxation to neck and shoulder region.

This position improves the body posture by keeping the backbone erect and strengthening the muscles,surrounds the vertebral column.

Moreover,standing posture ensures proper blood flow in the lower portion of the body  which aids in strengthening the back and lower limb muscles which in turn enhances  body balance and coordination.

3.RUKU :

During this phase of Namaz,the devotees perform forward half bending at the waist,and places the palms of the hands on their knees,with spreading the fingers.The feet must be aligned with about one hand span distance between them.

This pose provides a good opportunity to increase flexibility and strength due to the following reasons :
  • Stretches the muscles of the hip.
  • Stretches the back muscles.
  • Reduces the risk of compression on spinal nerve,by relaxing the spinal canal.
  • Stretches the hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh.
  • Gently stretches the calf muscle group which mainly comprised of gastronemius and soleus. 
  • Helps in strengthening the upper limbs due to the weight bearing phase during placement of the palms on the knees. 
  • Tones the muscles of stomach,abdomen and kidneys.

Ruku bending at waist stimulates the organs in the abdominal cavity.Also helps in strengthening the core muscles.


Sujud is made only to God and this is one of the integral part of Namaz(Salah) in Islam.

The act of low-bowing involves kneeling and bowing till one touches the earth with the forehead,nose,palms,knees and toes.

Sujud relax the mind and body,which in turn helps in relieveing stress and anxiety.Also it alleviates dizziness and generalized weakness of the body.

There are more benefits,which are as follows :

  • Provide good stretch to the paraspinal muscles,hip,thigh,ankle and toes.
  • Best flexibility exercise for the knee joint as it  properly stretches the muscles,ligaments and  tendons around the joint.Helps to overcome restricted range of motion of the knee joint,which is mostly seen in degenerative diseases.
  • Relieves low back pain.
  • Reduces pain in the cervical region.
  • Also strengthen the muscles around the neck,shoulder and back.
  • Provide good massage to the organs in the abdominal cavity.
  • Promotes blood circulation throughout the body,providing overall nutrition to the body.

5. JULUS : 

Julus Sitting is similar as kneeling, with palms placed on the flexed- knees. 

This pose has amazing fitness benefits,like :

  • Stretches the front thigh muscles.
  • Spinal stability is gain due to maintaining erect posture while performing Julus sitting. 
  • Strengthen the pelvic muscles.
  • Helps in reducing low back pain.
  • Helps in reducing knee pain as it increases joint flexibility.
  • Increases blood circulation to the lower abdominal area,which helps in strengthening the reproductive organs.
  • Helps in curing Varicose Veins.
  • Prevent hemorrhoids
  •  Stimulates peristaltic action of the large intestine.
  • Provide better digestion.
  • Reduce obesity.

If somebody is already suffering from following mentioned conditions,it is better to consult with the doctor prior to Namaz(Salah):
  1. Slipped disc(in cervical/ thoracic/ lumbar region).
  2. Severe neck pain or lower back ache.
  3. Knee injuries.
  4. Veritigo.
  5. Hypertension (Long - term history of elevated blood pressure).

Because it might be difficult for the devotees to perform Namaz(Salah),who are going through the mentioned health issues.


NAMAZ(SALAH) ends with turning the head to each side(RIght and Left).This is a superb exercise of neck and upper thoracic vertebrae.Various benefits of Salam :
  • Increases range of motion of the neck.
  • Mobilize the thoracic muscles.
  • Stretches the trapezius fibers (large muscle bundle extends from back of the head and neck ,to the shoulder).

Namaz(salah) is a beautiful junction of prayer and exercise :

Purification of heart is the ultimate religious objective of Namaz(Salah).

Prayer,not only create clarity of thoughts but also influences our state of mind,which in turn influences our state of body.

From a Psychiatrist point of view - "on an average,80 per cent of the time the mind is in the past and 15 per cent of the time it is in the future and so 95 per cent is gone as waste."

According to Swami Vivekananda -
"We,humans,waste 90 per cent of our thoughts".

Waste thoughts,which are about past and future - both not in our control and so a waste of time and energy.

We created 40 to 50 thousand thoughts per day,without awareness.

Thatswhy,Clarity of thoughts and focused concentration are two essential things in life.

Speaking to the Science aspect,

Namaz is a good source to balance the Anabolic and Catabolic biochemical processes of the body.Namaz is good for entire body.

  • Catabolic : Breaking of complex substances into smaller ones.For e.g - Large fat molecules broken down into small fatty acids.
  • Anabolic : Build complex molecules from smaller ones.


Some of the Yogic asanas are symmetrical to the posture performed in Namaz(Salah).


The standing posture is similar to NAMASTE in Yoga.

2.RUKU :

Forward half bending in Namaz,is almost similar to ARDHA UTTANASANA.


BALASANA (Child's resting pose/ Child's(fetal) pose) is like Sujud pose.


Kneeling on floor,is quite similar to VAJRASANA.This pose is very helpful in fighting stomach disorders,constipation and improves blood circulation in the body.

A perfect balance between body and mind is only possible through prayer and exercise.A sound mind can create a sound body.In this context,Namaz(Salah) contributes a lot.

                    ....(Sharing is caring)....


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