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Now,you are ready to start your family.And you may be eager to get pregnant.Dear,it's true it takes many months to get pregnant but if you follow my proven nail-tips then it is not impossible to get the good news soon.Some of you,may have already gone through a lot of trauma,dealing with this topic.So let's discuss from the grassroot level:


Taking care your body and mind is the main step to optimize your fertility rate.Early morning,meditation(i.e complete ZERO THOUGHT) is required to keep yourself calm and motivated.Pray to "Almighty" whole heartedly and yours desire will be fulfilled.It is for us to do the 'karma' but the result is always in GOD'S hand.

      "Om sesha saine namaha
            Om sesha saine namaha"

Chant this mantra for progeny while praying to Almighty (and if possible,write and chant this mantra for 108 times daily for 51 days).

1.Say a big "NO"  to  "STRESS". Several studies proved the direct impact of stress on fertility.Try to be happy from deep inside.

2.Avoid lifting heavy objects and cut back on strenuous activities.

3.Mark your "FERTILE DAYS" on calendar :

   Ovulation is the best time to get pregnant.Ovulation period means "the release of eggs from the ovaries".And the saddest part is that "an egg lives for about 12 -24 hrs after you ovulate".
    Females with a 28 day cycle tend to ovulate on day 14. It may differ with irregular menstrual cycle.Just remember,if  you have unprotected sex regularly 12 to 16 days(i.e fertile time) before the start of your next period,then the chances of getting pregnant is much more.


    #. Signs of Ovulation:                                                   

When a woman is most fertile,the amount of cervical mucus increases,and it also becomes thinner,clearer & more slippery.It can help sperm make its way to the egg.

4. Use SPERM-FRIENDLY lubricants like olive oil,baby oil,canola oil and mustard oil for combatting vaginal dryness and deep penetration.Olive oil is likely to be safe during baby-making sex.

5.Best POSITION for getting pregnant :


                        Harmony sex position


   The female partner lies her buttocks on a pillow and her head is slightly loward.The man,as if hangs over his female partner,then legs are slightly bent in knees and driven apart.His arms are straight and palms are on the edge of the pillow.The female partner embraces the male partner in a lock of feet position.
   This is a gravity assisting position which ensure deep penetration of the penis.


Many women worry that if the penis is too big,it will not enter into the small vaginal hole.They complains of " burning pain during sex and it feels like 'drudgery' while trying.
    The first thing to keep in mind is to RELAX your body before having sex,try to focus on the baby and if possible,go for 15 mins SITZ BATH with luke warm water to ease the muscle around vagina.And don't ignore SEXUAL FOREPLAY.Prolong sexual foreplay ignite sexual arousal.
     Sex doesn't hurt,if the woman is aroused and well-lubricated because vagina have the ability to expand and accommodate any penis size.


More sex doesn't means better chances of getting pregnant.Actually it reduces the number of healthy sperm.Several studies proved, the conception rate has been       higher  in couples,who have sex every other  day.               
Because sperm can survive from 5 to 7 days inside the female reproductive organ.The couple having baby making sex twice daily can produce positive result.

7.  Lie in BED right after intercourse :         
It's necessary to lie in bed for 10 to 15 mins after intercourse.And if you are good in yoga,then SARVANGASANA / Shoulder Stand is the best exercise right after intercourse to boost the fertility rate.


8. Maintaining IDEAL body WEIGHT : 

Regular moderate exercise is a quality habit to maintain an ideal body weight.          But rigorous exercise can be a cause of    infertility.     Women who are carrying over weight or under weight are less likely to conceive. Being a healthy weight can help get pregnant and improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby.                           
        Quit SMOKING to increases the  chances of getting pregnant.And this awful habit also reduces fertility.                               

9.HEALTHY DIET : is essential to meet 

the nutritional deficiency in the  mother's body. FOLIC ACID, IRON, IODINE  and  CALCIUM are the most necessary nutrients which can't be skip.      
FOLIC ACID helps in preventing neural tube birth defects which affects the brain and spinal cord.Neural tube defect develop in the  first 28 days after conception. So,it is very needful to have 400 micrograms (mcg) folic acid in daily diet. Good nutrition            during pregnancy can help to keep you and your  growing foetus healthy.                          

      Excellent food sources :      

 OKRA(Lady's finger) : 1 cup of it  is a  

good source  of  folate  providing  15%  of  a woman's daily needs for this nutrient. Okra contains Vit A,Vit (B1,B2,B6),Vit C,folic acid, zinc and calcium.                                               

     RAW MANGO : Nutritional content in 100

 gms of raw mango
Energy60 kcal
Protein0.5 g
Fat0.3 g
Carbs17 g
Vitamin C27.7 mg
Vitamin A0.2 mg
Folate14 mcg
Vitamin B60.1 mg
Vitamin K4.2 mcg

        SPINACH(amount per 100gms) :


Calories - 23 Kcal.

Folic acid - 194 mcg.

Calcium - 99mg

Iron - 3gm

and Protein,Vit A,Vit B, Vit C , Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium which plays a vital role in the growth and development of the foetus during pregnancy.

             ALMOND(amount per 100 gms)

Eating 23 almonds per day has been enough to provide the best benefit without any side effects.


Carbs -21.69 gms
Fats - 49.42 gms

Calories - 164 
Protein  - 21.22 gms

and provides Vit A, Vit B1,Vit B2 ,Vit B3, Vit B5,Vit B6, Vit B9 ,Choline, Vit E, Vit K.

              SEAFOOD, MEAT, DRIED BEANS, DIARY PRODUCTS , LENTILS ,GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES, EGGS are the good sources of iodine and iron.
              Iron requirement for foetus increases as the developing foetus draws iron from  the mother.Eating healthy food before and during pregnancy is very needful. 


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