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Now a days,we are busy in applying stuff's on our hair,which are easily available in the market;without knowing the harmful effects.Mostly seen,from our ancient era some herbal plants are playing a vital role & whose benefits can't be replace with today's costly cosmetic world.

The magical plants for hair:-

1.Henna(Lawsonia inermis)
2.Neem(Indian Lilac)
3.China rose

We all know the various benefits of neem &  henna leaves----most importantly, both have antifungal and antimicrobial properties.Thatswhy,their paste can be applied on the nails,too.


1. Grind 4 cup of fresh green henna leaves,half a cup of china rose leaves,half a cup of neem leaves ,a single strand of aloevera and half teaspoon of sugar for deeper colour.

2.Add 2 tablespoon of curd in the paste,if your hair is rough.(Then,wash off with conditioner)

3.Apply the paste on your hair and wash off with cold water after 2 hour.

4.Apply once in a month to get shiny,thick hair.

(NOTE:-These plants can be easily grown in planter boxes at home,which not only save you from cutting your pockets every month but protect your hair from enormous chemicals).


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