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21st June 2020,A BIZARRE !!

     21st June 2020,A Bizarre!!Today is really extra special,as our earth witnesses all the  three occasions i.e. International Yoga Day,Father's Day and Annular Solar Eclipse on a same date,this year.
     The theme of International Yoga Day,2020 is "Yoga at home,Yoga with family members" due to worldwide pandemic situation.Yoga Day was first initiated by Indian Prime Minister,Mr. Narendra Modi.It was his giant step to  address to the United Nations General Assembly,on 27th of September,2014; to launch a particular date for Yoga Day. Finally,21st June  which is "known as the longest day in the northern hemisphere" marked as the International Yoga Day in the world's history.
        These were the fact and figures,we likely to copy and paste in our brain.Yoga is far more than external beauty.It is the physical,mental and spiritual practice,which is an invaluable gift of ancient india to the world.
        Till our heart is pumping and the lungs are working,we are said to be "alive".To be honest with this organs,we should practice a few posture (ASANA) in a daily basis :

         At first,choose a calm and peaceful area to practice flawless yoga with good concentration level.These "Asanas" should not be performed after eating,so 'Early Morning' with fresh zephyr is the best time to practice.

      (Anulom Bilom)

1.Keep a mat / something on the floor and sit in padmasana or do cross leg sitting on it.

2.Close your eyes,keep the spine erect and put hands on knees.

3.Close your right nostril with right thumb and start inhaling slowly, through left nostril and take a deep breath as much as possible.

4.Slowly,remove your thumb from right nostril and exhale through right nostril,only.

5.While exhaling with right nostril,close your left nostril with the middle finger to ease the process.

6.You can even change the hands and do in the same process,as vice versa.

7.Gradually,increase your timing from 5 mins.

  (Bhastrika Pranayam)

1. Sit in padmasana / any other comfortable seated position with the spine erect.

2.Eyes are closed.

3.Inhale and exhale forcefully,10 times.

4.Take a break - 15 to 20 seconds.

5.Repeat the procedure for another 10 mins.

6.Try to complete 3 sets of Bhastrika pranayam.


Kapal denotes " SKULL" (includes all the organs under the skull) and Bhati denotes "SHINING".
        When we practice KAPALBHATI pranayam,80% of the toxins in our body are released through the exhalation.Moreover with regular practice of Kapalbhati,brain becomes sharp and will have eidetic memory.

1.Try to perform kapalbhati in padmasana pose,if possible.

2.Take a deep breath in.

3.As you forcefully exhale,pull your stomach.Pull your navel in back towards the spine.You can place your right hand on the belly to feel the contraction of abdominals.

4.Relax the naval and abdomen.

5.Inhalation is done in a natural way,but we have to give more emphasis on breathing out,as exhalation should be forcefull and not hurting.

6.For the beginners,1 or 2 round of KAPALBHATI pranayam is sufficient.
(1 round consists of 20 such breaths)



         The name itself define its meaning "All Body Organs".In this posture,head is at the lowest level of gravity.It supplies maximum amount of blood to the brain for a while.It increases memory power, intelligence, mental power,reduces mental stress, decrease depression etc. This posture is the preserver of youth and their power.This is a powerful exercise,try it gradually upto 5 mins and safely.

          The above exercises not only improve immunity,also strengthen our heart and lungs to work properly.This set of 4 Asanas,can add life to the Years if we practice it on a regular basis.

"Wish you all a HAPPY INTERNATIONAL       YOGA DAY"..

          Today is the 3rd sunday of June,more than '111' countries is observing Father's Day,honouring father and fatherhood.
         It's true,"No WORD" on this earth can define the "Love and Labour"  of a father towards his children. Although it is said,children are close to their mother but they always keep an eagle eye on their "DAD" too,getting motivated from him each day.

         One of the famous Sanskrit shloka may be written more than 500 yrs ago,gives a beautiful definition of  "Father":


    "Here,FATHER is compared to Heaven and Religion.He is placed at a higher pedestal than all GODs combined"
     I have seen,some sons and daughters are always remain confused about their parental love.It doesn't mean your father don't care for you if he rarely hugged you,never seemed to be interested in what happened in your life or never share about his life,too and sometimes forget to call you back,when he missed your 10  important calls.

       In your future,you will be knowing PARENTING is the hardest thing to do in this world.Moreover its not only upto kids to understand everything by own,Parents should build their nest with strong twigs of love,care and proper understanding. 

      To the great DADs on this earth,

"Wish you all,a very HAPPY FATHER'S DAY"

        It's like a MIRACLE happened today,all the three occasions on a single date,21st june 2020.This is a rare solstice Annular Solar eclipse which will happen twice this century,in 2020 and on june 21,2039.

       An Annular Solar eclipse happens when the Moon covers the Sun's center,leaving the Sun's visible outer edges to form a "RING OF FIRE" or annulus around the Moon.The people across the globe are witnessing the beautiful celestial event,today.
        Expert from NASA commented on their Eclipse website," Better to see a shorter eclipse from clear sky than a longer eclipse under clouds".

#Yoga : Union of body and mind#Salute to FATHER'S love#Save Earth from novel Corona virus#Stay at home#Boosts Immunity with raw organic foods#



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