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Health benefits of HOUTTUYNIA CORDATA :


One of the most popular and easily grown  plant in the Asian part of the world is houttuynia cordata.Popularly known by various names across the world: Mosundori(India-Assam),Chameleon plant, Fish mint,Fish plant,Heartleaf, Himalayan spinach,Lizard's tail, Heartleaf,Vietnamese fish plant,White chaplu,Wild houttuynia, Chinese lizard, tail,fishwort and houttuynia.   

Chameleon plant is an aromatic medicinal plant which is aboriginal to Northeast-India, Japan,korea and China.

Developing countries like India,where approximately 2000 drugs are of plant origin.It is due to the boundless concern on using medicinal herbs from ancient time.

Moreover,in this pandemic situation around the globe,its better to include this herb in our daily food chart because of its ability to promote immunologic function and many more.

No matter,what the country you are in; Covid-19 pandemic has landed on every doorstep.During this big blow to the earth,where compassion became the medicine to all.To be very honest with yourselves in maintaining hygiene,is the only way to save the mankind.
Admiral Brett Giroir,a member of the White House Coronavirus task force,said at a briefing from the US Health and Human Services Department-that wearing masks and physical distancing could quickly stop the spread of pandemic.

H.cordata is a good source of very essential components like ascorbic acid( vitamin C), iron,vitamin E,beta carotene,folic acid, calcium and protein.Leaves also contain anti-oxidative polyphenols and volatile oils. 

Iron is a very important mineral that plays a role in carrying oxygen in the red blood cells and assists the body to make haemoglobin.Iron is not easily absorbed by our body,so vitamin c is required for good uptake of iron.

Ascorbic acid(Vitamin C) helps in fasten the recovery process of wound healing by assisting the formation of collagen fibers(Collagen : protein fibers found copiously throughout the body).That's why it is known as an obligatory component for the growth,development and repair of all body tissues.

Vitamin C aids in iron absorption,and maintenance of the articular cartilage,which is a smooth,white tissue that envelopes the ends of bones for easy gliding movement of bones over each other.
Damage to the articular cartilage due to normal wear and tear results from the repetitive use of the joints over the years or sometimes by injury which leads to joint pain,swelling,joint locking,stiffness and clicking sound; became a common problem that increases with age.
No confusion here,calcium and vitamin C plays a vital role in dental health.Calcium harden the enamel(hardest outer surface of the teeth - even stronger than bones) layer and strengthen the jaw bone.

Vitamin C strengthen the gums and protect from gums diseases like gingivitis.Also,it can prevent teeth from loosening.

Vitamin E is very essential in boosting the immune system and metabolic activities. Vitamin E helps in preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer due to its distinctive antioxidant properties.

Polyphenols are packed with antioxidants,which helps in treating diabetes ,heart disease,neural disorders,weight management and digestive disorders.And H.cordata is a stock of antioxidative polyphenols.

 Quick and easy recipe:-

1) Boil 2 medium sized bowl of HOUTTUYNIA CORDATA leafs in 1 glass of water.(Cover the pan and keep the flame medium)

2)Add salt as per requirement.

3)When it is half boiled,add few tomatoes to it.

4) Keep the flame on for 5 mins,till it fully cooked. You can have it as soup or else with rice.Very easy recipe to stay fit and healthy.

Himalayan Spinach can also be eaten raw as medicinal salad for lowering blood glucose level.



  • It is well known for its antidiabetic properties.As the global diabetes prevalence estimated to be 10.2% by 2030,and rising to 10.9% by 2045. So it is the simple and best way to get rid from this dreadful disease.
  • It neutralizes poison substances in our body,thatswhy it is also known as poison-blocking plant.
  • It has anti obesity properties,because it sheds excess body weight.
  • It is famous for its hepatoprotective properties: means protects the liver from various diseases.
  • Used in treating Herpes and pneumonia due to its anti viral and antibacterial properties. It will be good to have daily to prevent our body from SARS(Severe acute respiratory syndrome),COVID-19 and many more.
  • H.cordata raw leaf juice is taken for the treatment of diarrhoea,dysentery,curing anaemia and purification of blood.
  • It has anti inflammatory properties.


Tomatoes not only protects the skin from sun tan,it has enormous health benefits.

Surprisingly,tomato is fruit by nature,but it is taken as raw and cooked,too.

Due to the presence of its red pigment 'lycopene',it has the ability to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
Now a days,we are more familiar with the word ' Stroke'.Because strokes and heart attacks are the earth's most common cause of death.

As per the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION, 15 million people suffer stroke worldwide every year.Of these,5 million die and another 5 million are permanently disabled.

If we don't want soon to be included in that suffered 10 million people,then we have to be conscious in choosing the right food and right exercise.

This cognizance should not be limited to only adult's brains;It is necessary to teach a child,about the awareness from their nonage itself so that they can understand the value of good food and it's bodily requirement.

A study in the middle-aged men linked with increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, who have low blood levels of lycopene and beta-carotene.

The great thing,India is the largest producer of tomatoes and it has enormous natural vitamins and minerals,including vitamin A,K,B1,B3,B5,B6,B7 and vitamin C.

 Also,it has folate,iron,potassium,
magnesium,chromium,choline,zinc, lycopene and beta-carotene.Lycopene and beta- carotene plays a strong role in chronic disease prevention.

Trusted SNature is the source of all good things if we live with nature,it will nourish us well.
Nature is the source of all good things.If we live with nature,it will nourish us well.


                       *sharing is caring*



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