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Amazing tips to lose belly fat :

"When the stomach is brimmed,the brain is delighted"

Good food not only keep the body in sound health but also nourishes our brain.All of we admit the fact,hunger forbid the mind to work efficiently.

But in due course of devouring delicious dishes like 'Neapolitan pizza' or 'Shrimp Dumpling' etc.,we should always keep an eye on circumference of the waistline.

Because belly fat is far more than avoiding tight clothes; it can be a warning sign of several diseases.

There are no such tips that can transform the body shape in a very short span of time.But,its true,with proper diet and regular exercise regime,one can transform a protruding tummy to a flat one.

Consistency is the key to achieve the goal, whether it is,in or out of the gym.

Hitting the gym early in the morning, without compromising the favourite fatty meals can't help,in gaining a flat tummy.

When it comes to a  flat belly,a view of  multipurpose fitness equipment like tummy trimmer, treadmills for cardio and barbells for weightlifting,strikes our mind;which can do the miracle.

But,it can also be possible through our  yoga mat.


It is far more important to know,where the excess mass is hidden than,how many extra pounds you are carrying?

In females,menopause can be a reason of gaining weight around the belly due to its hormonal changes in the body.

Other causes for an expanding waistline can be overeating with too little exercise.

With age,our muscle mass tends to reduce,while body fat increases.

Its not that everyone will get obese,because our body weight is controlled by several factors like genetic component,physical labour and type of food picking.

Females,can neither change their genes nor hold off their menopause to get rid from abdominal obesity.Walk fast and walk long can help,in this context.Brisk walking for atleast 45 mins needed to burn the stored fat.

Dr. Craig Primack,MD,an obesity medicine physician at the Scottsdale Weight Loss Center in Arizona,says "We sometimes say genetics loads the gun and lifestyle pulls the trigger".


Sometimes,belly fat is not restricted to the layer just beneath the skin.It also includes visceral fat or intra-abdominal fat,which lie deep within the abominal cavity,blanketing the internal organs.

Visceral fats associated with several health issues like cardiovascular disease,high blood pressure,type 2 diabetes, dementia, breathing problems,abdominal cholesterol, breast cancer and colorectal cancer,etc.


It is the best choice at home to measure the waist circumference.Measure the waistline by keeping the tape at the level of navel,not at the narrowest part of the trunk.

Don't pull the tape tight while measuring.

WOMEN : Waist measurement should not be more than 35 inches /89 cm.

    MALE : Waist measurement should not be more than 40 inches /102 cm.


Doing exercise is an awesome job,but it also puts our body under stress.Persistent  elevated level of the stress hormone CORTISOL, which in turn,can enhance fat accumulation around the abdomen.

Study's by the American Institute of stress also explained about the clear correlation between cortisol levels and the deposition of deep abdominal fats.

This can be a reason of not bringing down the expanded waistline after regular hard practice.

That's why, in a week,4 days of HIIT (HIGH   INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING) exercise followed by 3 days of Yogic asanas will be a perfect schedule,to burn the belly fat.

* HIIT :

I have already discussed about this topic in my previous article,"Fitness mantra for busy people".

So,lets get back directly to some HIIT exercises which are effective and efficient,can be included in the daily routine to burn away the belly fat :


Procedure -
 Lie on your right side, legs extended and stacked from hip to feet. The elbow of your right arm is directly under your shoulder. Ensure your head is directly in line with your spine. Your left arm can be aligned along the left side of your body.
  1. Engage your abdominal muscles, drawing your navel toward your spine.
  2. Lift your hips and knees from the mat while exhaling. Your torso is straight in line with no sagging or bending. Hold the position.
  3. After several breaths, inhale and return to the starting position. The goal should be to hold for 60 seconds. Change sides and repeat.


Procedure -
  1. Lie down on your back. Plant your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Bend your knees and place your arms across your chest. Contract your abs and inhale.
  2. Exhale and lift your upper body, keeping your head and neck relaxed.Bend knees can be lifted while lifting the upper body.
  3. Inhale and return to the starting position.


Procedure -

Standing with one leg forward and one leg back.
  1. Prepare to jump by bending your knees and sinking down into a deep lunge. Lean slightly forward and contract your core muscles. You will maintain core muscle engagement throughout the exercise.

  2. Quickly sink your weight down and then explosively drive both feet into the floor and launch your body upward, fully extending your knees and hips.

  3. As you jump into the air, bring your feet quickly together and switch positions as you begin to land. You should also switch arms as you do this.
  4. As you land, maintain a balanced foot position. Your forward knee should be over your forward foot and not beyond. Attempt to land softly on the forward mid-foot and let your heel come in contact with the ground. 
  5. Avoid remaining on the toes of the forward foot. Keep your hips back and allow your hips and knees to bend deeply to absorb the landing. Don't lock your knees.
  6. Drop to a deep lunge position as you prepare to start the next jump lunge.
  7. Repeat the jump lunge movement for the duration of your exercise time. Aim for a few reps to begin and work up to a full 60 seconds.



Few yogic asanas that can target the belly fat are:


Procedure -

  • Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and forehead resting on the ground.
  • Keep your legs close together, with your feet and heels lightly touching each other.
  • Place your hands (palms downwards) under your shoulders, keeping your elbows parallel and close to your torso. 
  • Taking a deep breath in, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel on the floor.
  • Pull your torso back and off the floor with the support of your hands.
  • Repeat 4- 6 times.

b) NAUKASANA : Boat pose

Procedure -
Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet.

Your eyes, fingers and toes should be in a line.

Feel the tension in your navel area as the abdominal muscles contract.

Keep breathing deeply and easily while maintaining the pose.

As you exhale, come back to the ground slowly and relax.
This asana should be avoided by heart and asthmic patients.Also,to be avoided by patients having severe spinal disorders and during the first 2 days of menstrual cycle.


Procedure -

1. Stand upright and place your legs about three and a half to four feet apart.
2.Extend your arms at the shoulder level, and raises  your right arm by the side of your head.
3.After that bend your right arms with exhaling towards the left side keeping your body weight equally on both feet.Always ensure that the right arm is parallel to the ground.
4.Maintain this position as per your comfort with normal breathing and come to the original position by inhaling.
5.Continue the same,with the left arm.
6.Repeat 4 - 6 times.

Exercise not only reduce the expanded waistline  but aļso keeps our body strong from deep inside.

Alongwith physical labour,its better to avoid smoke because the more you smoke,more likely to gain fat in the belly.

Moreover,steer clear of beverages that contains lot of sugar and calories.A diet that has more calcium and vitamin D is linked with less visceral fat.

A balanced diet,proper sleep habit and regular exercise will always keep the abdominal obesity at bay.

                       *Sharing is caring*


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