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Fitness Mantra For Busy People :

      You might be busy and thinking of different ways to stay fit and healthy.But fitness is far from fat to fit body by merely doing the total body workout,as it includes many components.


       According to Centre For Disease Control And Prevention(CDC),Physical Fitness is defined as "the ability to carry out tasks with vigor and alertness,without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursue and respond to emergencies"(Clarke,1971).
       And as per United States Department Of Health Services,Physical Fitness is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity".

       These definitions goes beyond being able to do activities of daily living or bench pressing your body weight.Physical fitness is associated with :

  • Cardiovascular endurance.
  • Muscle Strength.
  • Muscle endurance.
  • Flexibility.
  • Body fat composition.
  • Speed.

        It is the ability of the heart and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to the body tissues.
        Say NO to LIFT at workplace,better to prefer STAIRCASE CLIMBING which not only improve cardiorespiratory(comprises of heart,lungs and blood vessels) fitness,but also a great cardiovascular exercise,that burns lots of calories.Alongwith that,it helps in lower limb muscles strengthening.

         These sort of aerobic exercises helps the heart to pump blood more efficiently throughout the body.
         Experts recommend getting atleast 150 min of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 min of vigorous exercise per week.
         If you're specifically looking to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol,aim for 40 mins moderate - to vigorous intensity aerobic exercises,3 and 4 times per week.
        It is not possible for a busy person to jog upto 4 miles to burn 400 to 600 calories to shed the body weight,for them staircase climbing or step-ups,is the best option.
         Another option is rather going to office by bike or car,prefer to go on bicycle.I know,it won't appeal to most.But it is one of the best technique to increase muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance.


        Before starting your day with a muscle building diet plan holding eggs,greek yogurt,soybeans etc; You can do 'HORSE STANCE',while brushing your teeth.It is the easiest way to strengthen lower limb muscles and to increase stabilization of the spine (mostly seen in martial arts).
         You have to attain the posture,as if you are riding a horse -- a wide squat.


          I am not assuring that guys will have 6 pack abs after doing this exercise.But this simple ab workout,which can be perform in office chair while in sitting position,can strengthen your core muscle.As it is the intrinsic muscle that lie deep within the torso,it takes little time to get in form.


1).Inhale .
2).Expand your tummy.
4). Then,Tuck your tummy inward
 (hold for few secs,in full contraction state).



         Not to highlight the infinite task at home which need to be skilled alongwith the physical fitness.
         Research shows that a 10 min High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT) may be as effective as 50 min exercise resume .It is a brilliant exercise to fit into your lunch break.
          A short span of burst - exercise at your full capacity followed by a period of rest.For  HIIT beginners, 1:4work to rest ratio is the best,means 15 sec workout followed by 1min rest.
          Following are some of the HIIT exercise,which you can try :

HIIT workout increases mucle endurance and efficiency.


        Don't stare at the laptop for 9 hours;your brain and body,both need some rest in between.Instead of scrolling social media sites during the short break,its better to try different flexibility exercises like :

  •  NECK ROLL (roll to the sides and forward)

  • SHOULDER ROLL. (roll the shoulders         forward and back)
  • SHOULDER STRETCH .(pull the elbows)
  • SIDE REACH.(stretch to the side,keep the shoulders in-line with the hip)
  • SKY REACH.(reach as high as possible,with arm straight and fingers pointing towards the ceiling)
  • GASTRONEMIUS STRETCH.(find a wall,stretch the back heel and calf)
  • TOE TOUCH.(relax the back then bend  forward and touch the toes or floor)

Because without flexibility,joint and muscle stiffness will sprout that results in restricted range of motion due to the presence of pain and stiffness.


       BFC refers to the amount of fat on your body.

MALE :  must have BFC lower than 17%.

FEMALE : must have BFC lower than 24%.

       The average man tends to have about 18 to 24 percent body fat,while the average woman has 25 to 31 percent body fat.


         Speed is an integral part,not only for every sport person but also to those,who are engaged in day to day activities.
        Instead of Sprinting,one can go for  "BUTT KICKING".This is a robust exercise,which is easy to perform and done almost anywhere - in your bedroom or even in your workplace.This aerobic exercise can improves the cardiovascular tolerance capacity and boost muscle strength and endurance.

      These are simple body fitness mantra, which you can easily include in your tight schedule.


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