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What are the benefits of NAMAZ(SALAH) on FITNESS??

                      Namaz(Salah)  known to be the second pillar of Islam,is one of the chief obligatory duty of people who embraced Islam as their religion. While performing Salah,the worshipper requires to move through several distinct bodily postures which create healthy impact on musculoskeletal and neurological system.There are amazing fitness benefits of NAMAZ(SALAH). A Physique is not fit,in the darkness of inner peace: QURAN, the main religious text of Islam hold to be the word of God revealed to his messenger,the holy Prophet Muhammad. Most of the verses of QURAN,are based on peace and kindness.It describes reconciliation as the best policy.          "We need peace in our nature,            But we created anger;            Modesty is our nature,            But we created 'Self ego' ". This is the problem,which everybody is  facing in day to day life.We have unknowingly compromise peace and humility a number of time

21st June 2020,A BIZARRE !!

     21st June 2020,A Bizarre!!Today is really extra special,as our earth witnesses all the  three occasions i.e. International Yoga Day,Father's Day and Annular Solar Eclipse on a same date,this year.      The theme of International Yoga Day,2020 is " Yoga at home,Yoga with family members" due to worldwide pandemic situation . Yoga Day was first initiated by Indian Prime Minister,Mr. Narendra Modi.It was his giant step to  address to the United Nations General Assembly,on 27th of September,2014; to launch a particular date for Yoga Day. Finally, 21st June   which is "known as the longest day in the northern hemisphere" marked as the International Yoga Day in the world's history.         These were the fact and figures,we likely to copy and paste in our brain.Yoga is far more than external beauty.It is the physical,mental and spiritual practice,which is an invaluable gift of ancient india to the world.         Till our heart is pumping and the lung

Fitness Mantra For Busy People :

      You might be busy and thinking of different ways to stay fit and healthy.But fitness is far from fat to fit body by merely doing the total body workout,as it includes many components. A GLANCE   ON DEFINITION :        According to Centre For Disease Control And Prevention(CDC),Physical Fitness is defined as "the ability to carry out tasks with vigor and alertness,without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursue and respond to emergencies"(Clarke,1971).        And as per United States Department Of Health Services,Physical Fitness is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity".        These definitions goes beyond being able to do activities of daily living or bench pressing your body weight.Physical fitness is associated with : Cardiovascular endurance. Muscle Strength. Muscle endurance. Flexibility. Body fat composition. Speed. CARDIOV

Health benefits of Zinc,Selenium,Vit A,Vit C,Vit E,Copper and Giloy.Why these 7 things deserve your attention.

      Making a perfect balance between the body and mind is the key thing.How to make our body more lively,more energetic,and most importantly,to be hopeful?Our body needs best food to bounce back any kind of diseases.Whatever you eat today, tommorow it will become your cell,i.e a part of your body.The foundation of one generation is the site for the next,so the foundation bricks of body's defence system should be strong enough.        If your are on good food then your brain is also on right victual.Some foods, which are worst in taste but are best for health.                 GILOY (Heart-leaved moonseed) For e.g GILOY ( Tinospora Cordifolia), which is known as the " Root of immortality",because of its high restorative power.Nodoubt,it is bitter in taste but it effectively mollify kafa (Cough), pitta (Digestion and metabolic activity related to gallbladder), vata ('to blow or move like the wind' means when vata dosha is healthy,the movements of the

How to naturally increase Breastmilk in 4 hours??

                                       "BREAST is BEST",We all know. LACTATION 'the cyclical process of milk synthesis and secretion from the mammary gland' occurs with the help of 2 essential hormones " Prolactin and Oxytocin ".Even though,it is purely a physiological process,there are certain foods that can maximise breastmilk,instantly. 1.BLACK SESAME SEEDS (KAALA TIL): If You are a sweet lover then,you can either make laddoos with jaggery and sesame seeds or consume 1 tsp of sesame powder for a quick outcome.Alternatively, you can also sprinkle roasted sesame seeds on salads with spinach leaves,lettuce and broccoli.   I clearly mentioned only these three dark green vegetables because they are packed with enormous nutrients and also contain phytoestrogens which may have a favourable impact on breastmilk production. 2.GREEN PAPAYA : Papaya is a tropical fruit high in Vit C,Vit A, folate as well as fiber.Papaya boost


                Now,you are ready to start your family.And you may be eager to get pregnant.Dear,it's true it takes many months to get pregnant but if you follow my proven nail-tips then it is not impossible to get the good news soon.Some of you,may have already gone through a lot of trauma,dealing with this topic.So let's discuss from the grassroot level: 0. MEDITATION : Taking care your body and mind is the main step to optimize your fertility rate.Early morning,meditation(i.e complete ZERO THOUGHT) is required to keep yourself calm and motivated.Pray to "Almighty" whole heartedly and yours desire will be fulfilled.It is for us to do the ' karma ' but the result is always in GOD'S hand.       "Om sesha saine namaha             Om sesha saine namaha" Chant this mantra for progeny while praying to Almighty (and if possible,write and chant this mantra for 108 times daily for 51 days). 1.Say a big "NO"  to  "STRES


    Covid-19 or Coronavirus has been labelled a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation on March 11,2020.Out of 195 countries in the world,the virus has been reported in at least 188 countries.      According to WHO,no foods or dietary supplements can prevent/cure COVID-19 infection.     Still it is necessary,to boost our immunity by eating a healthy diet,regular exercise,maintaining proper hygiene and physical distancing.     There are list of antiviral foods for a strong body's defence mechanism during Covid-19.Here we go, 1.HONEY :        In Asia,Honey is known for its medicinal value since 2000 B.C.There are references to  different uses of honey in the Bible and in the Qur'an.     Honey has strong anti-viral properties, anti-influenza activity and anticancerous properties . 2.TULSI : ( Ocimum sanctum)     Holy basil can help in boosting our immunity and most importantly,it can easily combats respiratory ailments which is very