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    Covid-19 or Coronavirus has been labelled a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation on March 11,2020.Out of 195 countries in the world,the virus has been reported in at least 188 countries.

     According to WHO,no foods or dietary supplements can prevent/cure COVID-19 infection.

    Still it is necessary,to boost our immunity by eating a healthy diet,regular exercise,maintaining proper hygiene and physical distancing.

    There are list of antiviral foods for a strong body's defence mechanism during Covid-19.Here we go,

    In Asia,Honey is known for its medicinal value since 2000 B.C.There are references to  different uses of honey in the Bible and in the Qur'an.
    Honey has strong anti-viral properties, anti-influenza activity and anticancerous properties .

2.TULSI : (Ocimum sanctum)

    Holy basil can help in boosting our immunity and most importantly,it can easily combats respiratory ailments which is very needful at this time.
     Tulsi contains iron and mercury,so instead of being chewed as it can harm our teeth, it is better to consume as tulsi tea.


    Fresh ginger has antiviral properties.It can stimulate our body's defence system to kill viruses.

    After cleaning the stomach by drinking 2 glasses of warm water early morning,a mixture of fresh ginger(a small piece),juice of 6 tulsi leaves and a tablespoon of honey can enhance our natural resistance.

(NOTE :- It has been recently recognised by several studies,that honey has antidiabetic effect,antimicrobial effect and a best immune modulator.)

4. FENUGREEK SEEDS :- (Meethi daana)

    Fenugreek seeds are loaded with antiviral,antioxidant and antibacterial properties.It is marked as a superfood for diabetic and cardiac patients.It has the capacity to reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL- Low Density Lipoprotein) and blood sugar level.

    You can soak 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds mix with half tablespoon turmeric powder in 1 glass of warm water,for entire night and drink up the next morning in empty stomach.


    Curcumin,the life saving ingredient present in turmeric have a powerful impact on our body.It can :- 
  • Cleanse the respiratory tract.
  • Boost immune system.
  • Reduces the replication of viruses.
  • Antiparasitic activity.              


    It has direct antiviral action against cold and other respiratory ailments.Take 1/2 cup of fresh homegrown echinacea and pour about 8 ounces of boiling water.Allow the mixture to settle down for about 10 mins.

     This is a very useful herb packed with numerous  health benefits:-
  • Helps in stress management.
  • Reduce blood pressure level.
  • Control blood sugar level.
  • Prevent from breast cancer.


    Fennel seeds have powerful antiviral effects,helps in maintaining heart health, and help aid digestion and prevent gas.These herbs have maximum potential health benefits.



    It is one of the ultimate boosting food available in nature.This herb is used from our ancient time to treat several diseases because of its various health benefits :-

  • Natural immuno enhancer.
  • Act as a blood purifier and a natural detoxifying agent.
  • Natural antidepressant properties.
  • Nourishes and strengthens our body from deep within.
  • Promotes strong bone.
    It is one of  the best herb for common cold,flu,pneumonia,asthma,tuberculosis,
urinary tract infection and fluid retention(edema).How to consume:-

1. Roughly grind the skin of the roots of SIDA CORDIFOLIA.

2. Add pinch of salt,black pepper and 1 cup of water to it.

3. Boil the mixture until the water gets reduced to half.

4. Have it two times a day(i.e early morning and evening).

9.GILOY( Tinospora Cordifolia) : 

    Also known as the " Root of immortality",because of its high restorative power.Nodoubt,it is bitter in taste but it effectively mollify kafa (Cough),pitta (Digestion and metabolic activity related to gallbladder),vata ('to blow or move like the wind' means when vata dosha is healthy,the movements of the body is graceful).
    Giloy is rich in antioxidants and the minerals found,are calcium,iron, copper,zinc,Phosphorus and manganese.

Health Benefits of GILOY(Amrit)-

  • Boost Immunity.
  • Treats fever.
  • Helps in increasing platelets count.
  • Treats type 2 diabetes.
  • Treats asthma.
  • Helps in digestion.
  • Treats urinary disorders.
  • Treats eye disorders.
  • Treats jaundice.
  • Useful in rheumatism.
  • Promotes elimination of toxins from body.
  • Treats Cancer.
  • Treats gout.
  • Reduces Anxiety.

    ((Note:  1. Avoid medicinal use of giloy during pregnancy and breastfeeding period due to lack of scientific evidence.
                  2. No serious side effects has been seen,but on long term use,it can lowers the blood sugar.Regular check up of blood sugar level is necessary.))

    Direction of Use:-

    1.Cut the freshly obtained giloy stem into small parts and crushed them.

    2.Kept the few crushed parts in 2 cup water,for several hours.

    3.Boiled and reduced to half a cup,filtered and administered within 8 hours of preparation.


        We all know,our own immune system can only protect us from Covid-19,so it's our duty to take care of our home, i.e " body's natural defences".And remember,it is all about 'self isolation' not 'discrimination'.



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