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Showing posts from May, 2020


    Covid-19 or Coronavirus has been labelled a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation on March 11,2020.Out of 195 countries in the world,the virus has been reported in at least 188 countries.      According to WHO,no foods or dietary supplements can prevent/cure COVID-19 infection.     Still it is necessary,to boost our immunity by eating a healthy diet,regular exercise,maintaining proper hygiene and physical distancing.     There are list of antiviral foods for a strong body's defence mechanism during Covid-19.Here we go, 1.HONEY :        In Asia,Honey is known for its medicinal value since 2000 B.C.There are references to  different uses of honey in the Bible and in the Qur'an.     Honey has strong anti-viral properties, anti-influenza activity and anticancerous properties . 2.TULSI : ( Ocimum sanctum)     Holy basil can help in boosting our immunity and most importantly,it can easily combats respiratory ailments which is very

BOOST FERTILITY NATURALLY :- Increase your sperm count in a short span

                    BOOST SPERM COUNT     Before knowing,how to boost the sperm count,one should understand the underlying cause of reducing sperm motility,low semen quality,and low sperm count.Forget about the damn hard medical terms,action of hypothalamus,anterior pituitary and the hormonal role required for spermatogenesis; In a simple word if we say " The biggest enemy of SPERM is STRESS".       Stress is directly related to male infertility and infertility itself is stressful.Several studies proved that stressful life have a significant negative impact on sperm quality.Now a days,everyone is concerned about their regular exercise,nutritional supplements and a fit body.Then, what is missing?Thatswhy,never ever underestimate stress burden in your daily life if you really wants a baby.       When,                  STRESS ⇑                                              ⇊           ⇨ SPERM COUNT ⇓           ⇨ SPERM MOTILITY ⇓           ⇨ LOW SEMEN QUALITY

Health benefits of HOUTTUYNIA CORDATA :

  One of the most popular and easily grown  plant in the Asian part of the world is houttuynia cordata.Popularly known by various names across the world: Mosundori(India-Assam), Chameleon plant, Fish mint,Fish plant,Heartleaf, Himalayan spinach,Lizard's tail, Heartleaf,Vietnamese fish plant,White chaplu,Wild houttuynia, Chinese lizard, tail,fishwort and houttuynia.    Chameleon plant is an aromatic medicinal plant which is aboriginal to Northeast-India, Japan,korea and China. Developing countries like India,where approximately 2000 drugs are of plant origin.It is due to the boundless concern on using medicinal herbs from ancient time. Moreover,in this pandemic situation around the globe,its better to include this herb in our daily food chart because of its ability to promote immunologic function and many more. No matter,what the country you are in; Covid-19 pandemic has landed on every doorstep.During this big blow to the earth,where compassion became the medicine to all